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Welcome, Jesse James...

ABC Test, Inc.

Manage Enrollment

Whether you take care of enrollment for your employees or your employees enroll online … whether you need to add a new employee or find out how many of your employees have completed the enrollment process … you'll find everything you need right here.

Add Employee
Add a newly hired employee or anyone who's first eligible for coverage.

Update Employee
Search here to make changes to your employees' enrollment.

Find Employee
Locate a member in the membership system quickly and easily.

Approve Forms
Review and approve the online enrollment forms your employees have completed.

Enrollment Summary
Find out how many of your employees have enrolled, how many have waived coverage, or how many are in the process of enrolling. Get these and more details here in the Tote Board.

Enrollments in Process
If you started but did not complete the enrollment process for any employees, you'll find the information you saved here.

A printable form for use with specific USERRA reinstatement cases.

Group Procedures for USERRA
A helpful guide in answering questions for administrators about USERRA and USERRA procedures.

Tutorial - Enrollment
Find out everything you need to get started by taking this quick, helpful tutorial.

Quick Resources
New Features
Compare hospitals, determine treatment cost, and other ways to help employees obtain quality care information.
Check out our tools.